Gum Contouring Procedure
Gums play a vital part in the appearance of your smile. Sometimes, even if you have perfectly straight teeth, but you have too much or too little gum, your smile and overall appearance are greatly affected. If you want to improve how you look and smile, then you may ask your dentist about a cosmetic dental procedure known as “Gum Contouring.”
Gum Contouring, also known as tissue sculpting or gum reshaping is a cosmetic procedure to help improve your smile by effectively correcting and reshaping excessive and uneven gums. While some people undergo gum-contouring procedure as an important surgical process of pocket reduction, regenerative surgery, and crown lengthening, many people these days undergo gum contouring for cosmetic dental purposes.
Gum Contouring is a painless procedure with short healing time. It is usually done in a dental office wherein your dentist will use lasers and scalpels to perform the gum contouring procedure. Before the procedure, your dentist will explain the procedure, then, he/she will draw a line to mark a new gum line to show you how your gums will be reshaped or how much gum will be removed from your teeth to improve your smile. A local anesthetic is used for the gum contouring procedure.
Discomfort and swelling symptoms are expected after the surgery, which can be relieved by pain medications prescribed by your dentist. Special instructions from your dentist will be provided to you after the procedure. You should eat soft and cool food, avoid spicy food and learn how and when you should brush your teeth to help with the healing process.
To learn more about gum contouring procedures, you can contact or visit us at Exploits Valley Dental Office in Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland.
-The Exploits Valley Dental Team
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